Thank you girl
C#Oh oh yF#ou be goC#od to mF#e you maC#de me glad when G#7I was C#blue and F#eternaC#lly I'll F#always C#be in G#7love with C#you and F#all I gotta G#7do is F#thank you girl, G#7thank you girl. I could tell the world a thing or two about our love I know little girl only a fool would doubt our love and all I gotta do is thank you girl, thank you girl. BmThank you girl for D#mloving me the G#7way that you do that you do D#mthat's the kind of G#7love that is too C#good to be true and F#all I gotta G#7do is F#thank you girl, G#7thank you girl. You be good to me you made me glad when I was blue and eternally I'll always be in love with you and all I gotta do is thank you girl, thank you girl oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh. |
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Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T20:12:09.66+00:00
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